enchantee maria (Maria Pozdnyakova) is an illustrator based in Moscow who is very enthusiastic about children's book illustration and animal drawings. Besides that she creates editorial illustrations and is skilled in graphic design and animation. Her approach mostly focuses on whimsical characters, bright colors and crayon textures in illustration.

Having a bachelor background in art history, classical music education system and experience learning various languages gives Maria an opportunity to create thoughtful illustrations for scholastic books. All this knowledge will help to manage an educational project, whether it is a book, activities printable or online learning platform.

She strives to create valuable work that will impact how children learn about the world around. Working for educational projects is important to Maria and she would gratefully accept any offer on that. She deeply appreciates respect, equality and inclusivity in her creative practice.

Maria has worked with clients all over the world, including Russia, USA, Ukraine, Belarus and Canada. Her clients are IID Insurance, Tretyakov Gallery, STARC, Travel With Child, Vtoroe Dihanie Foundation, Poizon X and other individual clients.

Russian State Universiry named after A.N. Kosygin BA Fine Art
University of Herfordshire BA Illustration (1 Year)
British Higher School of Art and Design BA Illustration
2024 - Vinzavod, U Contemporary. WE DRAW: A collective exhibition of illustrations.
2024 - Artplay Design Center, British Graduate School of Design. Degree Show 2024.